
It all started way back in 2004 after Dr. Nachum Panich had a really bad experience with some developers he outsourced. What was supposed to be a 2-month project turned into a 5-month-long fiasco. Eventually, Nachum decided to fly to Ukraine and hire a team of superstars that had just left a big company. They finished the project in under a month.


Realizing he couldn't let this team of champions go, Nachum thought to himself and started to match them with projects in Israel. News of this killer dev team spread and the team was soon overbooked. Anna and Gena came on board to help manage the business, and Nachum flew around the world to hire more people. And then some more.


Things were a bit hectic, and not all the clients were super happy - that is, until the absolute best, most efficient manager, Dr. Iurii Poremskyi, joined the team as our VP of R&D. Then everything was smooth sailing.

The key to our success was the fact that we only used organic teams for each project - teams of people who had already worked with each other on similar tasks. Everything works better this way, but for some reason, other companies haven't quite grasped this yet. So it's our unique thing.


What else...? We opened some cool offices in Kyiv and made sure all our developers there are well-fed and happy. Then in Macedonia. Then in the US. And now here you are, reading this page. Ready to meet us already? Here’s a "contact us" thingy.

The management team