
In general, users of this website are not required to provide any information while browsing through it. However, there may be instances in which information will be requested. This information will be used for specific purposes, subject to the conditions below. Smartexe reserves the right to modify or update these conditions at any time and without prior notice.

Data Gathering and Use

Users may be invited to provide personal data (name, company, position, phone number, e-mail address, etc.) in order to allow Smartexe to provide them with further information. This data is to be kept in confidence and used only for its intended purposes and exclusively by Smartexe Ltd. It will not be shared or traded with, or transferred to, any third party.

Survey Information

Smartexe Ltd. may from time to time conduct online surveys to respond better to its customers’ needs. Participation in these surveys is completely voluntary. Any information obtained in this way will be treated confidentially.

Log Files

Smartexe Ltd. may collect user domain information in order to analyze patterns of use of the website. Data gathering is automatic and does not require any user-initiated action. Access to the site entails users’ unconditional consent to allow the collection of this information.

Use of External Links

Smartexe Ltd. is not responsible for any consequence derived from the use of links to external entities contained in this website. Users are encouraged to independently check the privacy policies and conditions of use of said websites.