
Angular 9.0 Framework Improvements & Key Features

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The new prominent open-source framework Angular 9.0 was released on February 7th, 2020. The point of this update was to improve the performance and to fix bugs that people reported. Note that Angular 9.0 is the first version that goes through rigorous testing, so you can easily update your frameworks without additional headaches.

The key change in Angular 9.0 is setting up IVY compiler by default. Note, if you use third-party components/packages that were not updated you may need to turn off Ivy manually

Оne more good news, the framework decreased from 537kb/628kb without Ivy to 465kb/551kb with it! This change will cause a huge boost in performance, especially for small web applications. outsourced web development advantages

TypeScript versions

Both TypeScript versions 3.6 and 3.7 are supported in Angular 9.0, it means that:

Unicode support for identifiers in modern targets;
Improved developer experience for promises;
Stricter type checking for generators.

Type check

In the new version of Angular compiler there are 3 options to check type:

default flag;
fullTemplateTypeCheck — everything within your template (ngIf, ngFor, ng-template, etc);
strictTemplates — compiler applies the strictest Type System rules for type checking.


For multi-language websites and apps, there is an option to create translation using special marker i18n, that will be removed after the compilation.

Right now there is an option to add translation for special tags, like alt, title, description, etc:


There is a new feature in IVY — TestBed. It improves the arrangement of the components between tests. TestBed change framework’s core acceptance tests and make it faster up to 40 %.

API Extractor Updates

Almost all projects using Angular require additional services and libraries for specific features. All these additional features should be updated or managed, so new Angular has Bazel which makes easier detecting the API landscape of libraries, creating reports, finding out missing updates or new features.

Also, note that in the new version of Angular there is an option to integrate Google Maps for different devices & YouTube.

To sum up, the new release brought a lot of positive changes, improved speed and made the framework more productive. If you need some help with your website or want to update your project to new version contact the Smartexe development team. We have already tested all the advantages of a new Angular 9.0.